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Audience Feedback

"[Madison] understands how a text lives and breathes. She knows when to fight it, when to work with it, when to trust it, and when to question it."

-Yale Theatre Professor, comment on The Zoo Story

"How [Madison] managed to clarify the entire story and meaning of this musical without altering a word is a feat I will never be able to comprehend."

-Yale Theatre Professor, comment on American Idiot

"The minimal staging and effective, efficient narration provided just enough context for the story to move forward, without us getting bogged down in the details."

-Audience Member, comment on Daughters of the Pirate Queen

"I feel like I became a better director just by watching the masterful way this production was staged."

-Yale Directing Student, critical response to A Few Good Men

"This was unquestionably one of the best productions I've ever seen - not just at Yale, but anywhere."

-Audience Member, comment on Collective Rage

"Beautiful, honest storytelling at its finest. [Madison's] take on this complicated text was innovative and compelling."

-Audience Member, comment on Shining City

Actor Testimonials

"What I really appreciate about [Madison] is that they know intuitively when to give an actor space to let a note sit and breathe and when to push us on." 

-Aaron Magloire (Shining City, A Few Good Men)

"When I enter [Madison's] rehearsal room, I always know exactly what I'm gonna get. She's honest without being unnecessarily critical, and kind without coddling us."

-Armanti Reed (A Few Good Men, A Chorus Line)

"[Madison] always treats her cast as humans first, and actors second. She never sacrifices humanity and decency for the sake of the performance."

"No director has put their faith and trust in me as a performer like Madison has, and when I'm working on a show with her, I know I'm in good hands."

"I've worked with a lot of directors who have sent me on stage without a true grasp of my character.With [Madison], I always know I have what I need to give the best performance I am capable of."

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